Friday, March 9, 2012

New, clear potential that is going to improve OSR weed control

A new herbicide technology aimed at controlling weeds in oilseed rape is now accessible for all the growers in the UK. It offers the increased flexibility, especially in case of broad-leaved weeds charlock and runch.
Yet, the herbicide tolerant, conventionally bred “Clearfield” oilseed rape varieties, come with a stewardship warning concerning broad-leaved crops. Hutchinsons, the advisory company has been trialling the new technology nationwide to observe how the varieties react in different situations, especially on farms where growing oilseed rape has been prohibited due to the grave problems with charlock and runch. The company’s spokesperson says that the technology proved very effective, however the stewardship is the key for managing the volunteers in subsequent crops.
The spokesperson continues, that when there is a crop requiring the ANL herbicide, such as Debut (triflusulfuron) on sugar beet, potatoes or any other crops, then oilseed rape volunteers will be resistant to it.
According to the Hutchinsons’ the best crop is the first wheat, in case of which there are wider range of herbicide options to take out the volunteer oilseed rape.